Conversations Overview - BETA

What is Conversations?

Conversations is a unified inbox where you can communicate with your contacts over Chat and Email.

Communicating with your customers is much more than just marketing, and bringing Conversations into your process means that you can engage your audience through Chat as soon as they reach your website, or via email for example, any time they need your help or have questions.

Using Conversations also means that you gain key insights about your contacts as they spend time on your site, insights which you in turn you will soon be able to use in your Automations and Email Campaigns inside Transpond.

What channels can I use for Conversations?

There are currently two channels you can use for Conversations:

  • Web Chat - using a widget you install on your site
  • Email - using a mail forward you set up with your email service.

Why should I use Conversations?

Conversations help you speak with your contacts directly, meeting them through the mediums they are most comfortable with. Transpond gives you a unified inbox for your Chat and Email communications, letting you share the workload with your team and ensure all contacts get the help they need, as well and quick as possible.

Having a Chat widget available on your site allows customers to instantly and easily ask questions about your products & services. When combined with our AI Assistants, which learns from your various content and documentation, you can provide instant answers with minimal effort. All leading in turn to both happy customers and useful insights into your customers as they're added to your marketing platform.

Using Conversations for your email communications means that you'll be able to further track engagement from your marketing campaigns and use it for the future.


Getting started with Conversations Customize Chat Configure Conversations
Using AI Assistants

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