Sending A/B Split Testing Campaigns

How to Send an A/B Split Test Campaign

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab at the top of the screen, and click Start a Campaign at the top.
  2. You will see two options for campaigns, underneath the option for Email A/B Split Split Test, click the button to START TESTING.
  3. You’ll need to create a new name for the Split Test Campaign, once decided and entered, click Create Campaign.
  4. Now you’ll need to select the full list of recipients who will be receiving the Campaign. Once you’ve chosen your Groups or Segments to be sent to, click Next Step.
  5. Next you’ll need to create your first test campaign by clicking Add Test. You’ll need to enter the following information:
    • Email Subject
    • From Name
    • From Address
    • Reply Address
  1. To create the content of your first Test Campaign, click Edit Email Content. You will then create your Campaign just as you would in a Standard Campaign. Once you’ve selected the template and added your content for the first Test Campaign, select the option at the top of the screen to Save & Continue.
  2. Now that you have your first Test Campaign saved, you can create more Test Campaigns by either starting a new Campaign from scratch by clicking Add Test, then repeating steps 5 and 6 again, or you can copy and duplicate the first Test you’ve saved by selecting the three dots by the saved Test, then selecting Copy from the options given. If you copy and duplicate the Test you’ve created, you can then go in and Edit the details of the Campaign itself by clicking its name from the list, then editing the subject, from name, from/reply address, or any of the content within the campaign by again selecting Edit Email Content. Once your changes have been made, just Save to return to the Test Campaign List.
  3. Once you have all the desired variants of your Test Campaign to send out to your subscribers, select Next Step.
  4. Transpond will default to sending your Test Campaigns to 50% of the subscribers you’ve added to receive the Campaign, then will test to determine which performs better, and then automatically send the winning Test Campaign to the remaining 50% of subscribers. You can change how many people receive each Test Campaign, and how many subscribers you’d like to receive the winning campaign as well.
  5. Once you’ve determined the number and percentage of subscribers to send the Campaigns to, you’ll need to select how long you’d like to wait until your winning Test Campaign is decided and sent to the remaining Subscribers. (You might want to give a bit of time here for your subscribers to interact and engage with your Test Campaigns as well)
  6. Next, select the option under the Send the Final Campaign section to select how you’d like your winning Campaign to be determined. For example you can select Total Opens, Unique Opens, Total Clicks, or Unique Clicks here.
  7. Finally, select a Start Date and a Start Time for your campaign to be sent. Once selected and you’re happy with your Test Campaigns and details, click Send Campaign and you’re all set!

Monitoring the Results of your A/B Split Test Campaign

Split testing would be pretty useless if you couldn't see what happened once the test was sent so we have put together a suite of views that enable you to see exactly what has happened.

View your new split test by going to Campaigns > A/B Split, and clicking on your A/B Split Test. You can easily see your A/B Split Tests, they have a different icon than normal campaigns.

When viewing an A/B Split test, all of the statistics from the main view related to the whole campaign. So, for example, the opens, clicks, unsubscribes, etc relate to all tests and the final send.

You will also see a new tab called "Tests" which is unavailable on a normal campaign. From this Tests tab you can see all of the tests you sent, along with the winner.

Clicking on any of the tests will take you into a full breakdown of statistics for that individual test.

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