Customizing Your Account

Managing your Company and Staff Staff and Roles How to add Staff Members Updating Email Address
How to remove a Staff Member User Profile Password Management
Two Factor-Authentication Require 2FA for all users Updating Time Zone

Managing your Company and Staff

Your Transpond Account is split into two parts. The Company and its Users. When you first sign up to Transpond a Company is automatically created with a User associated with it. Under the Company you can add multiple users but as a User you can also have multiple Companies. This is especially useful if you’re managing Email marketing for multiple businesses.

How to create a new Company

If you want to create a new Company in Transpond then you can follow these quick steps:

  1. Click the button to Switch next to your Company Name in the top left corner
  2. Click the button to Add New Company
  3. Type the new company name and click Continue

You’ll now be immediately switched to the new Company at which point you need to complete the standard activation questionnaire etc to get the new company setup.

How to switch between Companies

If you have multiple Companies setup in Transpond and you want to move between them then use the button to Switch next to your Company name in the top left corner and select the Company you want to switch to.

Staff and Roles

Within your company you can have multiple people accessing the same Transpond account. Each person accessing your account is setup as a separate Staff Member with their own login credentials and Role. The Role will dictate what areas of Transpond they’ll have access to and what features they can use.

Before you start adding new Staff Members it’s best to create the roles you want so the new people have the right permissions from the get-go.

How to setup a Role

By default Transpond has two roles:

  • Standard: You’ll have access to all features but not the ability to view or change any of the company settings e.g. changing Staff, managing payments or updating Roles.
  • Admin: Full control over the account with access to all features and ability to update all settings.

To create a new Role:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > Company Profile
  2. Go to the Roles tab
  3. Use the button to Add a Role
  4. Give the Role a name and press Continue
  5. Now you’ll be presented with a range of permission options for the different areas of Transpond. It includes anything from Automations to Company and Templates. For each option you can select either Write, Read or None.
  • Write means that you can make changes in that section.
  • Read means you can just view that section.
  • None means that you won’t have access to it.

As soon as you make a change, the Role is automatically saved.

  1. Complete your selections and you’re done.

How to change an existing Role

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > Company Profile
  2. Go to the Roles tab
  3. Click View/Edit under the Role you want to update
  4. Make the changes you want. As you do, the changes are automatically saved.

Note: You can only update custom Roles. The Standard and Admin role cannot be updated.

How to add Staff Members

To invite a new person to use Transpond:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > Company Profile
  2. Go to the Staff tab
  3. Use the button to Add a Staff Member
  4. Enter the person’s email address, choose a role and press Continue. As soon as you do, an invitation will be sent to that email address and you’ll see an entry for them in the Staff list.
  5. At this point the user needs to confirm the invitation using a link in the email they’ll receive.

How to remove a Staff Member

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > Company Profile
  2. Go to the Staff tab
  3. Click the little trash can button at the top right corner of the box for the Staff Member
  4. You’ll be prompted to confirm the deletion. Click Delete Staff to confirm.

Note: Deleting a Staff Member is instant and there’s not a way to undo the deletion.

User Profile

In your User Profile you can update details for yourself such as name, email, password, two-factor authentication options and regional settings. You’ll also be able to review your active Transpond sessions which will show if you’re logged in on multiple devices.

How to update My Profile

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > My Profile
  2. From this page, update the fields you need and click the relevant button to Save your details or Update your password for example.

How to update your Time Zone

The default time zone in Transpond is GMT. If GMT isn’t your local time zone you should change this. Changing to your local time zone will help with scheduled campaigns and automations. 

To change the time zone: 

  1. Click on your profile image in the top menu bar > My Profile
  2. Look for the Timezone field under the 'Settings' section and select the right one for your time zone from the dropdown list.

How to update your email address

If you'd like to change the email address associated with your own user profile, you can do this as well. This will also be where verification codes and password resets will be sent - so make sure to check for typos before saving.

To change your email address:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > My Profile
  2. From this page, under the 'Email Address' field, delete the email address listed, and enter the email address you'd like to have associated with your user profile instead.
  3. Click Save your Details

Password Management

Making sure the information stored in your Transpond account is safe and secure is very important. We take a lot of time and care in making Transpond safe, and likewise, you need to protect your account by using safe passwords and preferably enabling Two Factor Authentication (2FA). Using both significantly minimizes the chance someone could use your login details to gain access to your contact information.

How to update the password

It’s always important to use a strong and secure password. If you ever need to update your password in Transpond you can follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > My Profile
  2. In the ‘Your Password’ section, fill in a new password and confirm it a second time.
  3. Click the button to Update your password and you’re done.

How to reset the password

If you’re not logged in to Transpond and you can’t remember your password then you can reset it using your email address.

  1. Go to the [Transpond login page](link to login page)
  2. Click the link to Forgotten your password?
  3. Enter the email address you used for your Transpond account.
  4. Click the button to Send my reminder.
  5. You’ll then receive an email with a link to reset your Transpond password

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication, also known as two-step verification, 2FA, or MFA, offers an added layer of security to your Transpond account. When enabled it will require you to enter a verification code generated by an app on your phone before you can login to your account. There are a number of different 2FA apps on the market. If you don’t already have one then Authy is a good option.

How to enable Two-Factor Authentication

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > My Profile
  2. In the 'Two Factor Authentication' secton, switch the toggle to ENABLED

  3. At this point, a QR code will appear. Use your 2FA app to create a new entry and scan the code.

  4. Once scanned, you'll get your first 2FA code. Type it in to confirm enabling 2FA, and click Save.
  5. Once saved you'll be presented with a set of recovery codes. Save those codes in a password manager app for example. You can use these codes in case you ever lose access to your 2FA device.

Once setup in the app, the next time you login to Transpond you’ll be asked to enter it after you’ve typed in your username & password.

How to disable Two-factor Authentication

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar > My Profile
  2. In the ‘Two Factor Authentication’ section, switch the toggle to DISABLED
  3. At this point you'll be asked to enter your 2FA code one last time to confirm disabling 2FA.

The QR code will disappear and any 2FA codes in your 2FA app will stop working.

Require 2FA for all users

If you want to ensure that all your Transpond users login using 2FA then you can turn on '2FA Required'.

To do that:

  1. Go to your Company Profile.
  2. Switch to the Staff tab.
  3. At the top of the page, toggle the option to REQUIRE ALL USERS TO HAVE 2FA ENABLED.

Once enabled, the next time a user who doesn't yet have 2FA enabled tries to login, they'll be prompted with a modal to enable 2FA, which they can't dismiss until it has been enabled.

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